Music Studio - Kaz22
Music Studio - Kaz22 : Album
Sand and Snow [2010]
1 |
Winter Blast |
2007 |
2 |
Grace of Love |
2005 |
3 |
Till Death Do Us Part |
2007 |
4 |
Children of the Sun |
2007 |
5 |
Magic Girl |
2008 |
6 |
Towers of Golden Sands |
2009 |
7 |
Electric Sonata V0901 |
2009 |
8 |
Electric Sonata V0903 |
2009 |
9 |
Electric Sonata V0905 |
2009 |
10 |
Cold Summer |
2009 |
11 |
What Would You Like To Know? |
2009 |
12 |
Leaving Me For the SEA |
2010 |
Till Death Do Us Part
You paint the sky of hope
And I will walk in the sun
You sing the song of love
And I will dance on the moon
You take my soul away to a dreamland
And I will fly my way just to hold your hand
You write the words of grace
And I will sleep in peace
You shout the spell of joy
And I will take a leap of faith
You turn my world around into a paradise
And I will blow the sound just to meet your eyes
I do this all out of my love
To spend my life for your love
There is no fear of any harm
So please take me in your arms
Copyright 2007 Kaz Onishi
Children of the Sun
Let us sing and let us dance
We are young
We are the Children of the Sun
Air is warm and charged with love
Feel that vibration from within your soul
Let us hope and let us dream
We are free
We are the Children of the Sun
Sky is wide and open to your heart
Take that inspiration and fly with it to stars
Listen -- songs of joy
Follow -- steps of life
Reach for -- brightest of the stars
Pray for -- peace for everyone
Let us laugh and let us shout
We are strong
We are the Children of the Sun
Wind is high and course is clear
Raise that motivation to sail above the cloud
Copyright 2007 Kaz Onishi
Magic Girl
She's a girl from the magic world
She sings her dreams
She draws you under her spell
She's a girl from the magic world
She reads your desires
And sets your heart on fire
She's a girl from the magic world
She dances with flair
She takes you up in the air
She's a girl from the magic world
She kisses your hopes
And lights the flame in your soul
Copyright 2008 Kaz Onishi
Towers of Golden Sands
Out of the desert sands, tower blocks rising
Shaping the dreams of metropolis
Curtains of mirror glass, the morning sun shining
Blinding the images of oasis
Out on the city streets, motor cars racing
Chasing the illusion of modernity
Veils of dusty haze, hot exhaust burning
Clouding the vision of prosperity
Where are we going does anybody know
Do you believe there's no end to this somehow
Stakes in the properties, the real estate booming
Inflating the ego of a few proud sheiks
Mountains of credit risk, reckless financing
Breaching the logic of economics
Where are we going does anybody know
Do you believe there's no end to this somehow
Copyright 2009 Kaz Onishi
What Would You Like To Know?
Oh, why won't you come to see me tonight
I'll tell you some stories sure to delight
A touch of danger, a taste of fear
All in the comfort of boardroom chair
And you don't have to speak a word at all
You only need to listen, that's just all
Sit back and relax
I'll tell you everything
In a matter of time
I'll tell you everything
Oh, is there anything you'd rather not know
You want to hide yourself behind the door
A scent of deception, a trace of guilt
Words of denial for to resist
But you don't have to speak a word at all
You only need to listen, that's just all
Sit back and relax
I'll tell you everything
In a matter of time
I'll tell you everything
Copyright 2009 Kaz Onishi
Winter Blast --- 着手したのが2004年12月。北海道よりもまだ北の土地にて、とうとう3回目の冬を越すことになってしまった。
Grace of Love --- 2005年8月から10月に掛けて、立て続けに3曲書いた内のひとつ。何れもミックスダウンの時点で全体の纏まりが悪く、結局一から録り直し。
Till Death Do Us Part --- 曲がどれも似たようになるのを防ぐために、久々にボーカル入りの曲を書いてみたが自分は満足に歌えないことを忘れていた。かなり捻って書いた裏表の意味を持つタイトルと歌詞は自評力作であるが...どうもボーカルがねー。
Children of the Sun --- 明るい内容の曲を目指して書いたら、歌詞が冒険アニメの主題歌のようになってしまった。ボーカルはJon Andersonをイメージしたが、あの特徴的な声質は自分には無理。
Magic Girl--- 余りにも時間を掛け過ぎて、中途半端な曲になってしまった。本業の仕事が忙しすぎて、時間切れ。歌詞が続かず、曲が中だるみするけど、出だしと後半はまあまあいいとこいってるかな?
Towers of Golden Sands --- ドバイのバブル経済が完全に崩壊し、古ネタになってしまう前に書き終えたかったので、2008年10月から慌てて約2ヶ月で仕上げた。
Electric Sonata V0901 --- 曲名を考えるのが面倒なのでこう呼ぶことにした。といってもある程度悩んで付けた。Wikipediaによるとソナタとは「本来漠然と器楽曲を指す言葉」だということなので決めた。V0901は Sonar のプロジェクトファイルの整理番号で、Vという頭文字に深い意味はない。
Electric Sonata V0903 --- Electric Sonata 第2作。曲名を考える必要がないと制作が早く進む。第1作をリリースして直ぐに手掛けて、1ヶ月と1週間程で完成した。途中で拍子もテンポもキーも変わる。
Electric Sonata V0905 --- Electric Sonata 第3作。今度はにぎやかに。
Cold Summer --- Electric Sonata V0907。さすがに4作続けてこのネーミングはどうかと思い、「Cold Summer」 というタイトルを付けた。とは言え深い意味は無く、タダそう感じただけ。
What Would You Like To Know? --- とてもシリアスな社会問題である。
Leaving ME For the SEA --- 早くMEとはおさらばしたい。やっぱり日本人にとってSEAは馴染みやすいからね。